A Bitter Love Affair | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

A Bitter Love Affair

The History of the Negroni

click to enlarge A Bitter Love Affair
Alyson Brown
From left to right: Negroni Sbagliato, Classic Negroni and White Negroni.

I still remember the first time I tried a Negroni. It was a sweltering night in the Philippines, and I was visiting my dad. We were sitting together, catching up over drinks after the sun had set. I had a beer in hand when my dad ordered a Negroni. Curious, I asked for a sip, having never tried one before. The bitterness took me by surprise — it was so sharp, it gave me the shivers! Fast forward 16 years and countless cocktails later, the Negroni is one of my favorites — as well as it's riffs. With Negroni Week just around the corner, I thought it was the perfect time to celebrate with a little dive into its history.

The Negroni — a cocktail that's as bold as it is bitter — has a history as rich as its ruby-red hue. Born in the heart of Italy, this iconic drink has been charming cocktail enthusiasts for over a century, and like all good things, it starts with a story worth toasting to.

While there's no official documentation of its origin, the legend begins in 1919 at Caffè Casoni in Florence, where Count Camillo Negroni decided his Americano (a blend of Campari, sweet vermouth, and soda water) needed a little something extra. So, what does a man of taste and swagger do? He swaps the soda water for gin, of course. The bartender obliged and just like that, the Negroni was born.

Word spread quickly — after all, who could resist a drink with such a delightful bite? Soon, the Negroni became the go-to aperitivo for those who preferred their pre-dinner drinks with a side of intrigue. The cocktail soon found its way across Europe and eventually to the United States. American bartenders, ever eager to impress, welcomed the Negroni with open arms (and shakers), introducing it to a new audience who quickly fell under its bitter spell.

Since 2013, this iconic cocktail has earned its very own week of celebration. Negroni Week, held this year September 16-22, is a global event presented by Imbibe Magazine and Campari. What began as a simple homage to this classic drink, has grown into an international celebration of creativity and charity, with bars around the world offering their takes on the Negroni while raising money for various causes. A win-win if ever there was one!

Making a Negroni is as easy as it gets: one part gin, one part Campari, one part sweet vermouth. Stir it up, pour it over ice and garnish with an orange slice or orange twist. It's a simple recipe, but don't be fooled — the flavor is anything but. Each sip is a perfectly balanced dance of bitter, sweet, and botanical notes.

In recent years, the Negroni has strutted back into the spotlight, fueled by the craft cocktail renaissance. Bartenders worldwide have played with variations — swapping out gin for whiskey or tequila, or the Campari for other bitter liqueurs — but the classic remains an unrivaled favorite, a true testament to its enduring charm. Here's to one of my favorite riffs!

click to enlarge A Bitter Love Affair
Alyson Brown
Negroni Sbagliato.

Negroni Sbagliato

  • 1 oz sweet vermouth
  • 1 oz Campari
  • 2 oz sparkling wine
  • Orange slice

Place a large cube of ice in a rocks glass. Add sweet vermouth and Campari and stir. Top with Prosecco and stir again.
Garnish with an orange slice.

Classic Negroni

  • 1 oz sweet vermouth
  • 1 oz Campari
  • 1 oz gin

Stir ingredients together in a mixing glass with ice. Strain into a chilled coupe to serve up or into a rock glass with ice. Garnish with an orange twist.

White Negroni

  • 1 oz Lillet blanc
  • 1/2 oz Suze or other gentian liqueur
  • 1 1/2 oz gin

Stir ingredients together in a mixing glass with ice. Strain into a chilled coupe to serve up or into a rock glass with ice. Garnish with an lemon twist.
For a fun variation on the White Negroni, add 1/4 oz of pineapple juice!

So, the next time you're in the mood for something with a little bite and a lot of character, grab yourself a Negroni, and don't forget — Negroni Week is just around the corner. Salute!

—Alyson Brown is a beverage photographer and drink stylist with an appreciation for a well-built cocktail. Her passion for cocktails led to her first book, The Flower-Infused Cocktail: Flowers With A Twist. Presently, Brown resides in The Stacks Studios in The Old Mill District, situated right in the heart of Bend.

Alyson Brown

Alyson Brown is a beverage photographer and drink stylist with an appreciation for a well-built cocktail. Her passion for cocktails led to her first book, "The Flower-Infused Cocktail: Flowers With A Twist," available wherever books are sold. Presently, Alyson resides in The Stacks Studios in The Old Mill District,...
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