Vote Yes on Measure 117 | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Vote Yes on Measure 117

The Source opinion

Vote Yes on Measure 117

The case for ranked-choice voting may be most easily understood when looking at recent presidential elections, where "splitting the vote" has had some very real consequences. Maybe you were a Bernie Sanders supporter, but you felt the need to vote for Hillary Clinton so as not to by consequence throw your support to Donald Trump. Ranked-choice voting helps to alleviate these binaries by allowing voters to rank their choices — ranking all the candidates in a race in order of preference. If a candidate wins the majority of first-preference votes, they win. If no one gets a majority, the candidate getting the lowest number of votes is out and the first-preference votes for that person are taken out of the equation. The votes are then re-tallied to determine anyone still in the race now has the majority, and the elimination process continues until a majority is reached. Supporters say this is a way to enfranchise more voters and to see more diverse candidates serving in elected offices. We think it's worth a shot. Vote yes on Measure 117.

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