Letters to the Editor 09/18/24 | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon
click to enlarge Letters to the Editor 09/18/24
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Just another parking lot rage story

On a nice smokey Sunday morning, after returning extra supplies at Lowe's with the very helpful, friendly lady there, I contentedly sauntered back to my car having successfully finished my project. As I was about to get in my car, I heard some angry muttering but didn't think anything of it and didn't bother to see where it was coming from. The next thing I know, some 50ish guy in a big navy-blue Tesla is shouting at me as loud as he could from inside his car. I have no idea what he is yelling about from his soundproof deluxe Tesla. He then rolls down the window and impressively spits 10 feet across his passenger seat onto my passenger car window. I did not have a MAGA hat on nor was I wearing a Green Coalition of Gay Loggers for Jesus t-shirt. Was his uncontrolled rage because I am a baby-boomer driving a minivan and therefore responsible for global warming and the all summer wildfire smoke we are experiencing? (I was driving a plug-in hybrid that runs almost entirely from energy from my rooftop solar panels sitting on top of my passive solar house.) Maybe Tesla drivers are being forced to listen to Elon from their onboard screens and are getting all riled up about how terrible America is and need to take it out on somebody? All this man's hatred was totally wasted if I had no idea what he was frothing at the mouth about. Modern society seems to be spiraling out of control. I think it is time to dial back the hatred, folks. Maybe the problem is some of us need to make better choices in who our role models are? Thanks for listening.

—Tom Ponte

Vote William Bailey for Sheriff

If you described your ideal candidate for the next sheriff of Deschutes County, what attributes would be included?
• Possessing a breadth of experience and proven leadership abilities in law enforcement?
• Very honest, respectful, and extremely hard working?
• True to his word with strong morals and integrity?
• Committed to innovative crime prevention techniques?
• A track record of fostering positive relationships with community members, local organizations, and other agencies?

These descriptors — direct quotes from people who know or have worked with him — epitomize William Bailey, who has dedicated himself to serving and protecting others. In his words, "it's ingrained in my DNA, and what I've always wanted to do with my life."

From serving in the U.S. Coast Guard, to spending 24+ years with the DCSO, and working his way up through the organization in positions of increasing responsibility, Bailey has stayed true to his principles and promises, and worked tirelessly for the people of Deschutes County to keep all of us safe.

If elected, Bailey plans to focus on achievable but ambitious priorities that include working with community partners to move homeless encampments off public lands in Deschutes County; aggressively enforcing drug laws; ensuring that our roads and highways are safer for everyone; and establishing personal connections between deputies and those living in outlying areas.

Bailey has continually demonstrated that he possesses the knowledge and abilities to address the diverse needs of our ever-evolving community – from rural areas to urban centers – which is why he has our unqualified endorsement.

—Marvin Pugh and Andrea Hine

In Trump We Trust

Many who like Trump overlook his faults because his policies are so good. Besides, he says Kamala Harris is a communist.

Slowly backing out of America's endless wars and quickly shoring up the southern border are not bad ideas. And tax cuts can help a lot of people if done right.

However, Trump's recent resorting to "red-baiting" should disturb MAGA supporters. Republican Joe McCarthy employed it in the 1950s to advance his personal interests and destroy the lives of liberals. He hurt a lot of people.

Trump recently said, "Trump is never wrong. I am never, ever wrong." Funny, that is the same gospel that communists in Russia and China used to get themselves into totalitarian power.

In America, only the God of scripture is accorded the status of never being wrong.

Donald Trump wants us to change the motto on our money to "In Trump We Trust."

—Kimball Shinkoskey

RE: Vote Yes on Expanding County Commission from Three to Five Members. Opinion, 9/12

I live in the county, as do quite a few folks I know (beyond, of course, my immediate neighbors). I'd love to see the current configuration changed to better reflect the community. Deschutes County has more registered Democrats than Republicans. It's long seemed strange to me that this hasn't been reflected in the make-up of the BOCC.

Nothing's been the same since Adair primaried Baney. Maybe we shouldn't be surprised at that. Baney epitomized the concept of representing all the people, not just those that voted for her.

—Jeff Perrault via bendsource.com

Letter of the Week:

Jeff: Making the county commission a non-partisan race seemed to be evidence that voters didn't want a repeat of the "running to the right" we saw in that race. Onward to other battles! Come on by for your gift card to Palate.

—Nicole Vulcan

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