Letters to the Editor 09/12/2024 | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon
click to enlarge Letters to the Editor 09/12/2024
@goodegg.bend Instagram
Back to School with The Good Egg!Thank you so much @goodegg.bend for tagging us in this delicious photo of your back-to-school egg sandwich specials!Don't forget to share your photos with us and tag @sourceweekly for a chance to be featured as Instagram of the week and in print as our Lightmeter.

Trapped in a Never-Ending Cycle

Slavery was abolished on paper, and then all the poor people became wage slaves. Even when slavery was legal, some were able to buy their freedom. And that's what it comes down to, still, you can buy your freedom just as it was back then. Our leaders made choices: our medical system is terrifyingly inadequate, insurance companies have been allowed to extract millions and call it profit, paying into the system does not protect you from crippling medical debt, and credit card interest rates are obscene. The system was built with cracks so that some will fall through every day. There is not enough healthcare to go around because it suits the powerful ones to keep it that way. They want us overworked, underpaid, exhausted and depressed. It is manufactured scarcity all around us. There is plenty of housing already built if people stopped hoarding them. There is enough food produced to feed everyone if profit was not every corporation's main objective. People equate money with virtue. If you have, it you are a good person. If you don't, you are bad, it's your fault. If you are disabled, then you really are a hot potato that gets tossed from one agency to another, all of them saying, "we wish it wasn't this way." "I'm so sorry we can't help you." I worked six years at a grocery store in Bend. I had insurance, but my son got sick. Not our fault, but we have had to pay dearly to keep him alive. Insurance didn't cover a lot of the care besides hospital bills. We covered it however we could. We don't have the ability to take on more debt at this point, and we don't make enough to cover the cost of care. The toll we have paid is criminal in my eyes. My son is a disabled adult now, and SSI denied him. The appeal could take two years. Saying that we make too much money for any assistance is violence to me and my son. It reeks of slavery, and it's all perfectly legal.

—Kay Bee

Support COTA!

After reading the COTA [Central Oregon Trail Alliance] newsletter dated September 3, 2024, which stated that donations this year are currently down and some of the dedicated staff may not continue to be employed, we felt compelled to address the local mountain bike community. We live in mountain bike paradise. We have free access to one of the best trail systems in the country. We support COTA for all their efforts to maintain the trail systems and provide an excellent website to keep everyone informed of current conditions. We ALL need to contribute in some way to help COTA maintain their efforts.

If you hit the trails after a storm and come upon a tree over the trail, you will notice in the next day or two that it has magically been cleared from the trail. Another day, you may bike pass a trail hazard that has been marked by flags. Who placed those flags? COTA, of course.

The bikers who create "rogue" trails create more work for COTA because they must then place limbs etc. to block the unauthorized trails. These "rogue" trails continue to be dismantled. We know because we bike the trails every day and continue to replace the limbs.

The work COTA does for all of us is just amazing. It is now time for all local and frequently visiting mountain bikers to become a COTA member, donate frequently and volunteer whenever possible.

COTA needs ALL our help to continue maintaining our mountain bike paradise.

Please donate today!

—Chris & Barry Evensen

Bigger Costco Coming Soon to Bend

I doubt you are aware of the history of the 50 plus acres that Costco purchased immediately south of Cooley Rd and East of Hwy 20 to build their new store; Well it was a beautiful family farm with a pond, farm house, barn, sheep pasture and a lot of trees. All gone and now soon to open in October, a larger 4-plus acre Costco building and a much larger parking lot with freshly planted trees. Also there will be a very large gas station and more traffic.

The environmental impact of a lot of asphalt for parking lots and roads to and from and vehicle pollution are large. I have also noticed a lot of cars and big pickups and SUVs leave their vehicles running with air conditioners and heaters on while shopping.

To mitigate this situation, Costco might consider installing a rather large photo voltaic farm perhaps around 5 acres on their remaining property. There are many 5-acre-plus solar farms installed or being installed in Oregon now by utilities and large solar farms by private investment firms. This solar farm could supply electric power to their new building and surrounding lights and the gas station. It could also supply electric power to my proposed rather large electric charging station. There will also be a lot of extra electric power sold back to the utility called net metering.

It would bring in additional income to Costco charging all those Tesla EVs in Bend area and EVs coming to and from Bend. While waiting for EV charging, EVers could do their Costco shopping and eat at the food bar. A win-win situation for Costco and the image as a champion for fighting global climate change.

There are a lot of other financial incentives for the installation of a solar farm. Congress in 2021 passed legislation related to investments in energy and climate, including the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, where billions of dollars are available to companies like Costco if they were to install the proposed solar farm. Also Energy Trust of Oregon gives up to a maximum $15,000 grant for such project — I think there are also investment tax credits available to Costco.

Write or email Costco management if you like this proposal. Costco, 999 Lake Drive Issaquah, WA.

Any other suggestions, write to the next Source.

—Bruce Meland


Bend Roots Revival. My favorite three days of the year. Every fall, hundreds of our fellow citizens, who just happen to be very talented musicians, come together to celebrate Bend's love of music and community. We are beyond fortunate. Grab your friends and family and show your support and love for our musical neighbors that help make Bend a truly special place. See ya there!

—Mike Covey

Letter of the Week:

Mike: Thanks for reminding our readers about the awesome local event happening this weekend! Come on by for your gift card to Palate. Readers, read this week's Sound story for more info on Bend Roots.

—Nicole Vulcan

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