Source Warmup | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Source Warmup

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Volunteers Clean La Pine Dumping Site

A newly formed group, Newberry Regional Partnership, gathered about 60 volunteers and spent Saturday removing hundreds of pounds of garbage from the Bureau of Land Management's Jackpine Camp, located southwest of La Pine.

The area around the camp was a well-known dumping area and a place for long-term overstays, according to a press release from BLM. The Darlene 3 and Jackpine wildfires near La Pine sparked interest in community members organizing a cleanup.

Within a few hours, volunteers filled two 30-yard dumpsters, three 20-yard dumpsters, and numerous privately-owned trailers with debris.

"We are incredibly grateful for the dedication and hard work of everyone involved in this cleanup," said Kathy DeBone, Community Coordinator at the Newberry Regional Partnership. "The abandoned Jackpine Camp cleanup serves as a testament to the power of community collaboration and the importance of environmental stewardship."

—Julianna LaFollette

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