Source Warmup | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Source Warmup

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Bend Approved Tree Code Changes

On June 20, the Bend City Council approved amendments to City codes that regulate how and when trees can be removed in new developments. The updated codes will require developers to plant new trees on-site or make a payment in lieu of preservation if a certain percentage of trees are removed in a development project.

In addition to the code changes, city councilors approved adding an arborist position to City staff and will review the tree code regulations annually to assess the effectiveness of them. The regulations go into effect Aug. 16.

"We heard our community's concerns around how many trees were cut down for larger development projects. Our community has also told us to prioritize building more much-needed housing options," said Mayor Melanie Kebler. "The updated code strikes a balance, recognizing we want to preserve trees while also continuing to build the homes our community needs within our urban growth boundary. This is just a first step, as the Council will continue to explore additional ways to promote and protect our urban canopy."

—Julianna LaFollette

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