The Source Weekly - Bend

Redmond Voters Set to Weigh In on Local Marijuana Sales

Redmond City Council will seek input on allowing retail marijuana sales in the city

Julianna LaFollette Jul 12, 2024 10:58 AM
The City of Redmond plans to let locals vote on whether they want marijuana dispensaries in city limits. On July 9, Redmond City Councilors voted unanimously to present an advisory ballot measure to voters on November 5, seeking input on whether to change the city code to allow for retail marijuana sales in the city.

An advisory ballot measure is a non-binding tool for cities to gauge interest from voters on the direction of a specific issue, still requiring action by the Council. Currently, the retail sale of marijuana is prohibited within city limits. If approved, the Redmond City Council could then vote to change Redmond City Code to create time, place and manner restrictions to regulate the sale of retail marijuana.


The Redmond City Council will present voters with another measure that would impose a 3% tax on the sale of marijuana items within the city. The tax would only become applicable if City Council adopts the code changes allowing for the sale of marijuana in the city. According to a staff report, if both items are approved, revenues would likely exceed $100,000 annually and would accrue to the City General Fund.

While the sale of marijuana is not legal in Redmond, the City passed an ordinance in 2015 allowing marijuana cultivation for personal use on residential lots.

In 2016, the City of Bend enacted a 3% sales tax on recreation marijuana sales within the city. Between 2021 and 2022, the City of Bend generated about $1.5 million in marijuana taxes. Between 2022 and 2023, it was about $1.2 million.

A resident weighed in on the ballot measure at the council meeting, saying he was glad that voters like him would have a say. “I wish the council was not bringing up the idea of putting marijuana within our city limits," said Redmond resident Jay Patrick. “I’m glad you are letting the people vote their feelings on it.”

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