Three Years of Music and Community with SoMuchHouse | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Three Years of Music and Community with SoMuchHouse

DJ Casey Capps talks about the growing EDM music community in Bend, and the inspiration behind it all

As Bend's electronic dance music scene continues to grow, one event series stands out for its dedication to creating a supportive and welcoming community: SoMuchHouse, founded three years ago by local DJ Casey Capps, featuring house and techno DJs at events in Central Oregon. In this Q&A, Capps shares the inspiration behind the project, the influence of renowned DJs like Mikey Lion and a look ahead the three-year anniversary party held at Volcanic Theatre Pub on Fri., Sep. 13 from 9pm-2am. Answers have been edited for concision and clarity.

Source Weekly: What inspired you to start SoMuchHouse, and how has the vision evolved over the past three years?

Casey Capps: Playing my own shows in Bend every weekend was fun, but eventually, I wanted something more. After COVID, I saw an opportunity to launch an event series focused on the music I love – house and techno. I knew there was a space for this in Bend, so I launched SoMuchHouse and haven't looked back since.

click to enlarge Photo of DJ Casey Capps with arm raised in air
Courtesy @somuchhouse Instagram

SW: How has Mikey Lion, the founder of Desert Hearts, had an influence on SoMuchHouse?

CC: I've always been inspired by Desert Hearts and Dirty Bird, two record labels that produce the kind of music that I love. They host events and festivals across the country, and after attending some, I knew I wanted to create something similar in Bend. My goal was to book Mikey Lion one day, and although it took three years, it happened naturally for our three-year anniversary show.

SW: What does SoMuchHouse represent to you and the community?

CC: House music fosters a very tight knit and supportive community, and I wanted to create a space for people to come together and essentially create some escapism for people. These events are not just for me; they are for the community in Central Oregon, and that's really what it's all about. It's special to see familiar faces and newcomers at each event, and I feel blessed by the culture we've built — a safe, open space where people can connect. We've created something unique in Bend that you typically only find in big cities like LA or Chicago.

SW: How has the electronic dance music scene evolved in Central Oregon since SoMuchHouse began?

CC: Post-COVID, a surge of DJs have emerged – all of these smaller nights and parties started featuring local DJs in Central Oregon, and that's great because it's a sign of a growing scene. This growth has inspired me to keep pushing SoMuchHouse forward. As the scene grows, Bend is becoming a desired destination for bigger artists, and I've already seen that start to happen. SoMuchHouse is excited to be a part of that evolution with Mikey Lion for our three-year anniversary show. It's been an awesome process to continue elevating SoMuchHouse.

SW: What can people expect at the anniversary event?

CC: For the music lineup, Mikey Lion brings unreleased tracks of House and Techno music and a positive, warm stage presence. Joe Pea, a close friend of mine, has the best tracks that always move the dance floor. Riles adds a familiar sound that people recognize and MStarkDJ's set is full of surprises; he has a fun and eclectic sound. Our three-year anniversary show is definitely going to be one for the books.

SW: What's it going to look like for SoMuchHouse to collaborate with the Cascade Equinox Festival this year?

CC: I am over the moon. I feel blessed and honored to represent Central Oregon's dance community at the festival, with part of our proceeds going to Mt. Tabor Dance Community in Portland, who helped make this possible. I'm jazzed to be part of this, and I hope to continue being a part of this festival in the future. I'm performing two sets: a solo one and another with MStarkDJ as part of SoMuchHouse.

SoMuchHouse: Three-Year Anniversary Party
Fri., Sep., 13, 9pm-2am
Volcanic Theatre Pub
70 SW Century Dr., Bend

Savannah Mendoza

Savannah is a creative-based photographer and journalist in beautiful Bend, Oregon. She's a native from Portland and a proud University of Oregon Alumni who loves hiking, going to cute coffee shops and spends most of her free time pursuing photography! She's passionate about the outdoors, wellness, music and romanticizing...
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