The Psychedelic Frontier | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

The Psychedelic Frontier

Navigating Conscious Exploration

Mary Casanave Sheridan is a dedicated psychedelic coach based in Bend. With a fervent passion for advocacy and education in this field, she seeks to address iniquities and dispel misconceptions surrounding psychedelic substances.

Q: How do I know the right facilitator and situation for me?

A: Your pursuit of discovering the ideal facilitator and experience is a testament to your profound commitment to nurturing your spiritual and emotional well-being. It signifies an act of self-love and respect for the sacred journey within the realms of psychedelics, emphasizing the crucial need to establish a safe and nurturing space for exploration. This not only unlocks the full benefits of the experience but also acts as a shield against potential risks and disharmony that may arise.

Before delving into this significant question, I urge caution. Approach this process with an open heart, embracing both the potential for growth and the imperfections that may accompany it. Shed the burden of unrealistic expectations in the pursuit of perfection. The excessive pressure of seeking flawlessness in a single encounter or individual may hinder the profound beauty and wisdom that lies within the experience.

I encourage you to view this as a step in your journey, envisioning a continuous path of integration and exploration rather than a one-time make-or-break ordeal. Operating from this perspective allows every experience, whether smooth or challenging, to serve as a gateway to profound self-awareness and healing, allowing for gradual revelation and resolution over time.

In your quest, do not hesitate to inquire extensively, advocate for yourself confidently, take the necessary time for decision-making and blend intuitive discernment with factual investigation. I recommend engaging with multiple potential matches, even if the initial connection appears ideal. Requesting to speak with past clients can offer valuable insights into their experiences and the depth of care and wisdom offered by the facilitator. If feasible, visiting the location where the session will occur can provide a tangible sense of the energy and intention imbued within the surroundings.

The importance of specific qualities in a facilitator varies according to individual needs, experience level and worldview. While no singular style or skillset guarantees an ideal facilitator, it's essential to seek a guide equipped with the necessary skills and experience to support you effectively. Key qualities to consider include a deep blend of personal and professional experience with the substances they facilitate, appropriate professional training and mentorship, and a holistic approach that integrates various modalities to nurture all aspects of your being.

Several considerations to contemplate:

  • Reflect first on your deepest desires, fears and aspirations. Entrust your exploration to an individual who not only comprehends but respects and holds space for your intentions to flourish.
  • Seek a guide with extensive immersive experience and a wealth of knowledge in navigating consciousness realms who speaks of the profound psychological depths with grace and insight.
  • Prioritize facilitators who emphasize safety protocols, cultivate a nurturing environment, and provide integration support post-experience to prioritize your well-being and assurance throughout the journey and beyond.
  • Listen to your intuitive whispers and choose someone with whom you share a profound connection — a resonance that transcends verbal communication. Choose a guide who instills a sense of trust and ease in their presence.
  • Select a guide who upholds ethical standards, respects consent, upholds confidentiality and operates within clear boundaries, underscoring their commitment to ethical conduct and honoring the sacred trust inherent in this practice.
  • Seek recommendations from trusted sources who might have trusted referrals. Therapists, alternative healers, body workers, energy workers and those in the healing and spiritual vocations are a great place to start.
  • Seek out a facilitator who shows with words and actions that they value open dialogue, active listening and collaborative creation of a personalized and meaningful journey alongside you.
  • Avoid individuals who profess to have all the answers, lecture or talk down to you, bring up feelings of guilt, shame or fear in you, who push your personal boundaries, and/or mock or challenge our reality or worldview. These are red flags and an indication of unsafe behavior or loose ethical practices.

- Engaging with these considerations and selecting a facilitator aligned with your vision and needs is a pivotal step in embarking on a transformative and enriching exploration of psychedelic realms. For further inquiries or to share questions for upcoming columns, please email [email protected]. Free 30-minute consultations can be scheduled via

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