Culture Features | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Culture Features

The Long History of Queer Literature

It's here, it's always been here, get used to it

By Cassie Clemans, Owner of Roundabout Books and Cassie Clemans, owner of Roundabout Books & Cafe

T.J. Klune, New York Times Bestselling author of queer fiction such as "The House in the Cerulean Sea" and "In the Lives of Puppets," recently visited Bend as part of the Season of Nonviolence Speaker Series at Central Oregon Community College. While prejudice of LGBTQ+ authors still persists, it's heartening that Klune could come and talk openly and unabashedly to an enthusiastic audience about his experiences as a queer author, and how his childhood informs the books he writes, engendering millions of passionate readers around the world...

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