Editor's Note Fall 2024 | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Editor's Note Fall 2024

Autumn is calling

click to enlarge Editor's Note Fall 2024
Darris Hurst

Are you looking forward to the more structured days of fall? Leaving sunny days behind is bittersweet, but who doesn't crave something new? Cooler days, fall sports and comfort foods bring a welcome change to the intensity of summer.

We're excited to bring you the latest news and resources regarding family life in Central Oregon. With school starting, there are likely classroom and extracurricular activities on your calendar once again. Check out the Nest calendar in this issue as fall events ramp up for children.

If your kids have dabbled in children's theater, you've likely met BEAT's executive director, Bree Beal. Loved by many, Beal shares her vision for the organization as they enter their 20th year!

Our feature article explores iPad and tech policies in Bend-La Pine Schools. Parents voice concerns about the impact of technology on younger students.

Learning to read can be a difficult journey for some, and there are many ways of going about it. Kinesthetic reading activities bring a new twist to learning to read. Learn more tips for this fun approach in our Education section.

A recurring theme in this fall issue is slowing down. As the cooler weather forces us inside, it may be time to stop and savor some of the simpler tasks that bring joy. Nature walks, journaling or just preparing a meal together are some activities to consider.

As hard as it is to believe, Halloween is just around the corner – time to prepare a costume or plan a party. Discover the origins of this holiday and how it's celebrated here and around the world.

Another interesting article in this issue is about the High Desert Girl Scouts. Learn what this troop is up to this fall – it's so much more than just cookie sales!

I encourage you to check out the Kids Corner craft. Beeswax-dipped leaves make a beautiful start to your fall decorations at home and kids will love this activity!

And let's not forget that Grandparents' Day is September 10 this year. Even if the grandparents live across the country, there are many creative ways to ensure they play a prominent role in your children's lives.

As we enter the new season, savor some relaxing time with the family this fall!

Angela Switzer

One of the original members of the Source team, Angela remembers the days of ringing fax machines and crying babies when the newspaper operated out of her home. She loves all things outdoors, especially mountain biking with hubby, trail running and cooking gourmet meals, while camping in her beloved Eurovan. Her...
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