The Source Weekly - Bend

Bree Beal & BEAT Children's Theater

Celebrating Two Decades of Empowering Young Artists

Annette Benedetti Aug 29, 2024 12:30 PM

Bree Beal is officially the executive director of BEAT Children's Theater in Bend, Oregon, but to the kids, she's affectionately known as the "boss lady." Her unwavering dedication has transformed BEAT into a beacon of creativity and empowerment. Beal's journey to BEAT is a testament to her lifelong passion for children's theater and her commitment to fostering creativity and confidence in young minds.


A Passion for Theater from the Start

Growing up in Newport, Oregon, Beal was captivated by the magic of theater from an early age. The Missoula Children's Theater's summer program sparked her love for performing arts, leading her to write plays, craft costumes and organize performances with friends. Her passion continued through high school and college, and she found her true calling was in children's theater. "I have always loved the imaginative and transformative nature of children's theater," Beal reflects.

Finding Her Way to BEAT

After a decade working in escrow and serving on nonprofit boards, Beal decided to pursue her true passion. In 2014, the stars aligned, and she met individuals connected with BEAT who led her to becoming its executive director. With her background in children's theater, business management and nonprofit policy, Beal was the perfect fit. She took a chance on BEAT, and BEAT took a chance on her. "It felt like the universe had conspired to bring us together," Beal says.

Overcoming Challenges and Celebrating Milestones

Transitioning into her role was challenging, but a strategic plan smoothed the process. The biggest hurdle came with the COVID-19 pandemic, which increased the need for programming while restricting BEAT's ability to deliver it. Despite these challenges, Beal and her team persevered, driven by the overwhelming demand for their programs. "The pandemic tested our resilience, but it also highlighted the vital role theater plays in our community," Beal explains.

A Day in the Life of an Executive Director

Beal's role is multifaceted. She collaborates with the board to manage the business, staff the organization, produce shows and schedule classes. Her days are diverse, ranging from teaching classes and directing shows to cleaning the studio and writing grant applications. Despite the demands, Beal finds immense joy in every aspect, especially when working directly with the children. "Seeing the kids' faces light up when they step on stage makes it all worth it," she shares.

The Joy of Empowering Young People

Beal's favorite part of her job is witnessing the excitement and growth in children experiencing theater for the first time. She cherishes the moments when kids eagerly anticipate theater days, showcasing their creativity and building confidence. For Beal, the theater's impact on children's lives goes beyond performance—it's about building whole, joyful individuals who can contribute to society. "We're not just creating performers; we're nurturing confident, compassionate human beings," Beal emphasizes.


The Mission of BEAT Children's Theater

BEAT's mission centers around empowerment and cultural enrichment. They use theater as a tool to empower young people and enrich the community's cultural life. Beal believes strongly in the power of shared human experiences in theater to bring people together, fostering a sense of community and commonality. "Theater has a unique ability to bridge divides and create a sense of unity," she notes.

Comprehensive Programming for All Ages

BEAT's programming is extensive and varied. They produce three to four mainstage shows a year, run year-round camps and classes, offer in-school programs and collaborate with community partners to reach underserved children. This comprehensive approach ensures theater is accessible to all children, regardless of their circumstances. "We strive to make theater an inclusive and welcoming space for every child," Beal asserts.

Looking Forward to the 20th Anniversary

As BEAT enters its 20th year in September, exciting plans are underway. Beal and her team are organizing events and special shows to celebrate this milestone 20th anniversary in 2025. They aim to reconnect with alumni, showcasing their accomplishments and inspiring current students with the diverse paths taken by former participants. "Our alumni are a testament to the transformative power of theater," Beal says proudly.

The Role of Community in BEAT's Success

Community support is crucial to BEAT's operations and survival. Volunteers, donors and audience members all play vital roles. From helping with studio maintenance to attending performances, community involvement ensures that BEAT can continue offering affordable, high-quality programs. "We couldn't do what we do without the unwavering support of our community," Beal acknowledges.

As the theater embarks on its 20th year, the community's continued support will be essential in nurturing the next generation of young artists. Beal challenges people to see children as true artists, capable of deep expression and creativity. By supporting BEAT, the community can provide these young artists with the space and opportunity to share their talents, fostering a sense of belonging and significance. "Every child deserves a chance to shine, and with the community's help, we can make that happen," Beal concludes.