The Cider Janes: Uniting in Harmony and Friendship | The Source Weekly - Bend

The Cider Janes: Uniting in Harmony and Friendship

Portland-based trio brings soulful harmonies to Central Oregon and shares the joy of performing together

The Cider Janes, a Portland-based musical trio consisting of Naomi Morton, Heather Schrock and Aliyih Bristol, is known for their harmonies, covers and warm inviting performances. As the band prepares for its upcoming Central Oregon tour over Labor Day Weekend, its members shared insights on the band's formation, their evolving sound and the joy of performing together. Answers have been edited for conciseness and clarity.

click to enlarge The three members of The Cider Janes pose for a photo with guitars
Courtesy The Cider Janes Facebook
The Cider Janes are a Portland-based trio that originated from three friends Naomi Morton, Aliyih Bristol and Heather Schrock.

Source Weekly: How did The Cider Janes come together as a band?

Aliyih Bristol: We all met in choir where Naomi was the accompanist. During COVID, we finally had time to pursue the trio idea we'd talked about. We started meeting in Heather's backyard, around a propane fire, sharing new cider flavors. It was such a healing experience and eventually we had enough songs to start doing shows together.

SW: Is that what inspired the name "The Cider Janes?"

Heather Schrock: Initially, we called ourselves The Cider Jams – since we practiced in our pajamas and drank cider. For our first public show, we performed on stage in pajamas and we encouraged the audience to do the same to create a warm, inviting pajamas party concert! But we felt like the name didn't really fit us, so we went through a renaming process and came up with The Cider Janes. It reflects strong female energy and the name really resonated with us so that's who we've been ever since.

SW: How has your music evolved since you first started? Have you always focused on the harmonies in your sound?

HS: Harmonies brought us together, it's what's been most fun and inspiring about the three of us as a trio. We added the harmonica, percussion and playing percussion a bass kick drum simulator, so our sound has grown and evolved.

AB: We mostly do covers right now, though we want to write some more originals. We choose covers that accentuate our harmonies and that our audience connects with.

Naomi Morton: One of our originals, "Burn It Down" speaks to the theme of friendship - about letting go, moving forward and having friends support you through that process. Our friendship has deepened, and we've gotten so much closer than when we first started.

SW: What excites you most about the Central Oregon tour?

AB: Honestly, just being together. Spending four days in a place we love, sharing music and enjoying nature in Central Oregon, is what we're most looking forward to."

SW: What's your favorite part about performing together?

NM: "The joy we feel on stage is contagious. I am smiling the entire show because of the joy we share together – it infuses the whole room and it's an amazing energy to experience."

AB: That's also why we like to sing covers, because the audience starts singing with us. Seeing them sing along with us makes us smile even brighter. We always encourage our audience to sing with us.

SW: Can you share a memorable moment from a past performance?

HS: At the end of our shows we sing the song, 'You've Got a Friend,' but we change the word 'friend' to 'Jane.' As a fun surprise we start saying 'You've got a Jane,' and then point to the audience saying, 'You're a Jane!' It's a silly thing we do that creates a connection with the audience.

AB: It all started with an audience member at Bend Cider Company who shouted, 'I'm a Jane!' It was a lighthearted moment that connected us with the crowd and became a tradition to our shows.

The Cider Janes
Fri., Aug. 30- Sun., Sep. 1
Friday at Faith Hope & Charity Vineyards Saturday at General Duffy's Waterhole
Sunday at Bend Cider Company
Price varies